
Nayi Padilla

somerville Program associate


Nayi serves as an explore program associate in Somerville working with immigrant adolescents.

Nayi was born and raised in Barranquilla, Colombia and moved to the states in the late nineties to start her family. In her early career she worked as a doula at the Cambridge Health Alliance and as a family liaison at the Somerville Family Learning Collaborative (SFLC); continuing on to become an assistant coordinator under The Parent Child Program within the SFLC. She graduated in 2015 with a degree in Human Services Administration from Urban College all the while engaging at a new job as a Family Support Advocate at Healthy Families Central Middlesex, providing weekly home visits for pregnant and parenting first time mothers under 20 years of age. As of late, Nayi currently works at the Somerville High School Welcome Center as a liaison for ELL students in tandem with Enroot to ensure a smooth transition for immigrant adolescents.

Outside of work, Nayi enjoys outdoor activities such as doing day trip visits to parks, lakes, and small towns around New England. Also, she likes to dance to salsa music.