If you are unable to leave the house to purchase food or if you don't have enough money for food, here are some resources:

From the City of Somerville website:

The City of Somerville/Food for Free Supplemental food pantry has been established for the COVID-19 crisis. Fill out this form to sign up for the week and receive a bag of non-perishable items, plus fresh fruit and vegetables. Please note: If you anticipate needing a weekly bag, you will need to sign up again as needed.

The Somerville Food Security Coalition is maintaining an updated list of food resources during COVID-19. Call an organization before visiting in person, as they may have new procedures to follow.

Project Bread offers a FoodSource Hotline at (800) 645-8333 (TTY line: 1-800-377-1292) to help callers find food resources.

SNAP is a federal nutrition assistance program for low-income individuals and families that provides benefits via an Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) card. You can check your eligibility for SNAP here, and sign up for benefits here. If you currently receive SNAP, you may receive a COVID-19 emergency supplement up to the maximum amount. U.S. Citizens, and some asylees, refugees, and green card holders can apply. However, parents who are not eligible for SNAP can apply for their eligible household members, such as U.S. citizen children. Note that SNAP benefits are factored into public charge determinations. You should speak with your immigration attorney before applying. If you do not have an immigration attorney, you can contact any of these organizations for help.

The Pandemic Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) is an emergency program during COVID-19 that was passed as part of the CARES Act. This benefit is currently NOT available in Massachusetts because the state’s application is awaiting approval from the USDA. We will announce information as it is released. This benefit would provide emergency funds through an EBT card for school-aged children who would otherwise receive free or reduced lunch. Families currently receiving SNAP benefits will receive the additional benefit automatically via their EBT card, and families with school-aged children receiving free or reduced lunch will have a card mailed to them. This benefit is available regardless of immigration status, and does not count as a negative factor for public charge determinations.

WIC is a supplemental nutritional program for children under 5 years old. Check your eligibility for this program here. To apply for WIC, complete an application online or contact the local Somerville WIC office at the Cambridge Health Alliance here or at (617) 575-5330. A WIC staff member will call you back. Massachusetts WIC is also available at (800)-942-1007 or (617)-721-6601 weekdays Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. If you hear a recording, please leave a message with your name and telephone number. This benefit is available regardless of immigration status, and does not count as a negative factor for public charge determinations.

You can also call 311 any time if you’re concerned about food access and they will connect you with local resources.

For food assistance in Cambridge, click here.

For food assistance in Boston, click here.